Battle complains I: Fighters

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Battle complains I: Fighters

Post by Smiling_Spectre »

I still feel that fighters are heavy underpowered. I will try to explain it again.

1. Fighters are very non-cost-efficient. Fighter bay takes 40 space, and hosts 5 fighters. It means that one fighter takes 4 spaces. It's comparable with one light gun... but I can make a scout with 6 such guns. And I can make one scout every single turn in the every single planet of system - unlike ships with fighter bays. So scout is better fighter than fighter here. Consideration: make fighter bays smaller, or make more fighters in the same bay. Maybe both, during technological progressing. :)

2. One scout can make up to 6 shots, destroying or damaging 6 different targets. All 5 fighters are shoot at once, hitting exactly one target per turn. So very purpose of real fighters: counter enemy fighters, annoy bigger ships and destroy missiles - does not work at all. Scout is much more effective fighter again. Consideration: give squadron guns the same individual targeting as all other ships have.

3. Scout can be quite hard with regenerating armor, invisibility, shields, etc. Fighter is one-hit-one-dead issue. Yes, they are small, but taking that they cannot be too numerous for ones, and cannot harm anyone too hard for second, being too easy target makes it useless at all. Consideration: use the best possible armor+shields for fighters. Alternatively, make fighters non-targetable for a bigger guns (something like reversal of planet attack will work, I suppose - only light/lasers/smaller guns can target fighters). It will make fighters more annoying, at least.

Posts: 16

Re: Battle complains I: Fighters

Post by ketzerei84 »

Fighters are equivalent to 8 slots. And yes, they're horridly inefficient.

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Re: Battle complains I: Fighters

Post by Zaimat »

Fighters used to be quite powerful in earlier times but there have been many changes so it's worth looking at them again.

Fighters always use your best weapon/armor etc but given the same level they always go for the racial techs.

Thanks for the suggestions, some of those are definitely doable but I'll have to find a good balance, will see what I can do for the next update.
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