Recent Patch created Bug - Double Combats per turn possible

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Recent Patch created Bug - Double Combats per turn possible

Post by jawstheshark »

When you fixed the 'Automatic' sector engagement piece you created a new bug.

Now, if you specifically click 'Engage Sector' and there are any enemies left after the first combat, the game presents you with a second encounter in the same sector within the same turn cycle.

Invade a planet, and Choose engage sector, without destroying the colony. You will get the double up every time.

Not as annoying as the old issue, but from our previous conversation I am pretty sure this is not intended.

Btw, love the very frequent patches. Keep up the good work. I would much rather play a game that needs a little work with a very engaged Dev team over a more polished game that is being ignored.

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Re: Recent Patch created Bug - Double Combats per turn possi

Post by Zaimat »

This is working as intended as it is now. I'll explain:

What happens is that there are 2 phases. If you engage sector manually you are prompted at the beginning of the new turn (1st phase). Where as if you do not but there are hostiles or that arrive during the turn, you will be prompted/combat processed at the end (2nd phase).

The reason why there needs to be a 1st phase prompt is that a hostile ship in the same system can move before the 2nd (end) phase occurs, so it needs to process manual engagements at the beginning if the player is expecting a battle.

Now granted, it does create a second prompt when you selected 'Do Nothing' on the first phase but this is also beneficial for some cases where you may want to wait for reinforcements in transit to arrive.

And thanks for the kind words.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf