I don't really understand the interface, why not like moo2?

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Posts: 7

I don't really understand the interface, why not like moo2?

Post by Lightzy »

The planet screen has so much stuff going on there, I just want it to be easy to figure out how productive this planet is and why.
Moo2 was perfect. Elegant and perfect. You have a graphic of hammers (well, pickaxe or whatever). The more hammers, the more production. next to it is also a little number.

Horizons planet screen is anything but clear or elegant at the moment.. I mean, I applaud it for having all the information you might need gathered in one screen, which is amazing (well, might want to add the empire treasury number), but why do I even need to see most of that stuff?
Serious question, what is 'production cap +5' ? What is all that stuff?
Can I play the game better without it or is it absolutely necessary that I see it?
Isn't there anything else that's more crucial to put front and center?
Why do I need to know the percentage of pop working on farming/industry if I have no direct way of changing it (direct is via slider or direct re-allocation like in moo2)

I hope the planet interface undergoes some changes to be more like moo2.
Less text, a little more graphical style. And display what's necessary.
Planet mad? Make red unhappy faces :)

Posts: 7

Re: I don't really understand the interface, why not like mo

Post by Janster »

Also the planet overview, lacks info about structures build and how many left, I hate having to examine EACH and every planet to see if I built the right thing.

To be honest a governor system where I just tell him what kind of planet I want would have been better, this is needless micro in many ways.

Thank you.