Hello everyone, today's minor patch is an interim update that we did not want to hold off any longer until the next significant update to Horizon which we expect to have ready in a couple of weeks. Have a good weekend!
* Artifact survey messages are now cleared in planetary survey reports once a race digs the planet
* Tourism Income is now affected by game difficulty level (similar trade income)
* Interstellar com will now account for anomalies correctly
* Transferring colonies to another race now resets previously selected builds
* Transient ability will no longer affect missiles
* Minor corrections made for Spanish Localization
* Fixed an issue where the AI would erroneously detect another opponent encroaching on its territory causing relations to deteriorate
* Fixed an issue where Assimilation and Colony Morale would not be updated
* Fixed a case where a very low number of invasion troops could become invincible
* Fixed a rare scenario where an eliminated race would continue on after losing it's last colony causing a late game crash
* Fixed an issue where the camera would switch to another sector (with player ships) while engaged in Sol during the probe quest
Horizon Release version – Update Notes
Horizon Release version – Update Notes
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf