Colonies/outposts have no population

Anything related to the test branch versions
Posts: 15

Colonies/outposts have no population

Post by dstar »

I sent in a bug report a little while ago regarding new colonies and outposts having no population after switching to the new beta. I've since discovered that switching back from the beta (and verifying the files) does not resolve the problem; even the non-beta version doesn't have population on colonies. I don't know if it's something unrelated to the beta somehow, or if switching back doesn't revert some file that it should.

Posts: 15

Re: Colonies/outposts have no population

Post by dstar »

Okay, after re-installing Horizon entirely, I can confirm that the lack of population only occurs on the new beta.

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Re: Colonies/outposts have no population

Post by Zaimat »

Thanks! There is a new update for the test branch that fixes this issue.
dstar wrote:I've since discovered that switching back from the beta (and verifying the files) does not resolve the problem; even the non-beta version doesn't have population on colonies. I don't know if it's something unrelated to the beta somehow, or if switching back doesn't revert some file that it should.
The most likely explanation for this is if you saved the game with the new test version and then tried to load/continue with the main (older) version.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

Posts: 15

Re: Colonies/outposts have no population

Post by dstar »

Zaimat wrote:>
Thanks! There is a new update for the test branch that fixes this issue.
dstar wrote:I've since discovered that switching back from the beta (and verifying the files) does not resolve the problem; even the non-beta version doesn't have population on colonies. I don't know if it's something unrelated to the beta somehow, or if switching back doesn't revert some file that it should.
The most likely explanation for this is if you saved the game with the new test version and then tried to load/continue with the main (older) version.
I was starting a new game every time, to avoid any such issues.

However, I think it was a Steam glitch -- I'm not certain, in retrospect, that it had actually switched me back to the mainline version. I know that when I rebooted my system to see if that would resolve it, Steam had to update itself, so I suspect there was something wrong there.

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Re: Colonies/outposts have no population

Post by Zaimat »

Good to know. The best way to know if the switch was successful is by looking at the version once you launch the game.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf