Add special technologies to race statistics

Feature requests or ideas
Posts: 140
Location: Berlin, Germany

Add special technologies to race statistics

Post by Xyquas »

In the game I'm currently playing I found robotic factories when examining a special structure on a planet. I thought "Hu? A technology not implemented yet." but then I had my homeworld with build factories level 3 and for lousy 100 BC I could build - right: Robotic factories :o

So I think I probably found other nice buildings without even knowing just because I have no place to look at what this fancy find I just made is.

This is the point I come to my suggestion: Please add those special buildings and maybe existing special techs to the race statistics section where I can see the special traits received from completed missions. And please add an explanation so I have a chance to know that I have to improve civil building structure X to the max to make use of it :D
Master Of Orion 2 = Great
Master Of Orion 3 = Trash
Horizon = The real Master Of Orion 3 :-)