In game it's just opposite: stations and planets moves _last_, that makes them sitting ducks. Ok, planet have _some_ chances with it's shield (not too good against any decent squadron of bombers), but stations are defenseless at best: when their turn arrives, enemy already unloaded all arsenal into one small station shield.
So my proposal that will dramatically increase planet/station hardiness is: give them the very first priority, instead the very last.
While priority is totally enough for the station, planet have another hard problem: amount of attacks. Two attacks per turn (missiles plus lasers) means that it can take out two targets at best. It means again that any decent bomber squad will eliminate everyone before too late, even if planet will attack first and kill 2 bombers per turn.
So consideration: divide missile and laser attack for several lesser points. Like, 3-4 for example? It will immediately make planet what it _must_ be: serious defending enemy.