I've given it a go, and it was a bit harder than I though, but hehe.. oh well. We will see if I make it to the end

Horizon is Jynks-d
Play List
- Ep1: Introduction and Setup
- Ep2: The Great Flood
- Ep3: First Contact
- Ep4: The Tantik Threat
- Ep5: Hostilities Build on the Boarder
- Ep6: Assessing The Threat
- Ep7: Military Build Up
- Ep8 - To War
- Ep9: Attack Ships on Fire
- Ep10: The War Continues
- Ep11: Alliances form and Crumble
- Ep12: A Shift in Focus
- Ep13: Re-fit
- Ep14: Sqeedokai: The most hated race in the Galaxy
- more to come
This is just a setup and introduction video. Actual gameplay starts at 23:13(ish) if you wish to skip ahead. I tried to be all tricky and installed an application to show keystrokes so you could follow my hotkeys but it didn't show up in the recording : ) hehe
Anyway, comments and suggestions welcome!
Ep2: The Great Flood
The Tidal 'Verse flows from Brine out into the sea of stars in search of all the things that bring life. Water, Minerals and Genius. So marks the beginning of the age of expansion. A fast and explosive push into the stars that could being economic ruin upon Mother Brine as she spasms under the force of expelling her young.
Ep3: First Contact
"After our initial expansion attempts into the great sea, we have yet to find any other life. Once again the terrifying existential thought of "we are truly alone: seers the mind of the entire Tide. I myself feel the heaviest burden, for it was my own design, my own force of will that pushed all of Brine to the belief that we would find trading partners to support the drastic economic costs of expansion. If we do not find these Aliens soon, then our colonies will be rot for barnacles." - From the private diary of Urant-Sool, Supreme Chancellor of the Tidal 'Verse 2176
Ep4: The Tantik Threat
"A mind must be taken to our protection. The urge to move out into the 'Verse has left us vulnerable in every conceivable way. We've neglected arms, for kelp, forgotten how to be warriors, for merchants. Urant-Sool has left is open to invasion and now the vile Tantic and Kuntari are swimming down our unprotected currents. It is now my task to hold the Tide though the times upons us" - Farlan-Urik's inaugural speech as the new Supreme Chancellor
Ep5: Hostilities Build on the Boarder
"In solidarity we are strong, and though diversity we are immune. The Tide has welcomed all, on Brine and beyond in the great sea. Yet now we face what the isolationists have feared for a hundred years. An aggressive, truly Alien race, that heeds no reason, coverts no kind of coin we can provide and is a very real threat to everything we have built." - Farlan-Urik Supreme Chancellor
Ep6: Assessing The Threat
"The Tide flows for you, yet the Tide pulls on us all. We face the greatest threat that has risen form the Great Sea and we face it together, not as individual colonies but as a single Sqeedoken force of will. Our ancestors stand behind us with the as yet unborn tadpoles ahead guiding our flow through history, through blood, through sacrifice; and nothing, can resist The Tide or the future you make for us all!" Farlan-Urik speech to the first pool of conscripted troops and pilots at Octopie's official day of celebration for the completion of Orbital Space Station.
Ep7: Military Build Up
"There was more delays today with the materials getting shipped over from homeworld. We have to shorten the supply lines. The construction of the fleet continues at speed. Fear is a constant on Octopie. Every media source is saying the same thing. The Tantik are coming. The attack could come any day. I've repeatedly reworded the same report and resent it again and again. We do not have the logistical support to age such a war. I look out across the factories that have sprung up like kelp in the push to get the fleet into great sea and all I see is folly, great gleaming tombs for untold numbers of nameless dead." - Sarnik-Ool - Senior Administrator of the Octopie shipyards - Private correspondence
Ep8: To War
"The fleets left orbit today to a fan fair of global exuberance. Spirits are high and people seam to be only mildly worried. The propaganda mill has prepared us all well. Yet I am sceptical. What do we really know about the Tantik? One of the few things we truly know is ISN rates them as the top technologists in the galaxy. Who knows what really awaits us, and what kind of response we will illicit." - Sarnik-Ool - Senior Administrator of the Octopie shipyards - Personal Conversation of suspected malcontent recorded by the Institute of Corrective Thoughts. 2277.
Ep9: Attack Ships on Fire
"The responsibility I feel for Brine is paramount in my mind at all times. The pressure fuels me to do great deeds and deeds I have done. Far from the prying eyes of the civilian press, only we on the front line truly know the cost and currency of this war. I ordered the bombing of Yargrat IV, I authorized the use to Neutron Bombs and have systematically wiped out entire colonies in my punch through Tantik space. One of my officers resigned his commission rather than follow my order, as is his right. Though I would rather be remembered as a monster and Brine be safe for all time, than remembered as a compassionate and have this threat remain. The Tantik are as close to evil as I have ever imagined was possible and as long as I command the School I will push hard and fast into their territory and leave nothing behind me. I will cut a surgical line across the galaxy removing the Tantik blight from my sea." - Shan-Sill - Fleet Commander
Ep10: The War Continues
"While we agonize over the loss of a ship here and a soldier there the loss of life among the Tantik is incalculable. Billions of lives extinguished through orbital bombardments upon defenseless Tantik colonies. There is no persuasive argument for a supposedly civilized race to behave in this manner. The loss of life, Sqeedoken life, Tantik life; any life, on this scale is a mark that will scar our ancestors for all time. I urge everyone to gather at depth of 2000 fathoms above the capital of Brine and all her colonies to show that we as a a people can no longer allow this to continue, that this horrific genocide is unacceptable to us and to all sentients." - Karal-Zill - Public Pirate Broadcast across the interstella network prior to her disappearance. Dissident Database file 28421.45
Ep11: Alliances form and Crumble
"With the galaxy now explored and as of yet intergalactic travel being an unattainable technological possibility, the time has come for us to start to look carefully at the political climate of the Galaxy and our relationships to the other major races. Just as Brine went though globalization, so to is the Galaxy getting smaller. The choices of Brine are no longer are in a vacuum but now encompass and must take into account all who we are in contact with and all who they are in contact with. It is our recommendation that we change our policy of non-interference in galactic political matters and start to publicly support our close allies. No longer can we sit on the fence. Massive intergalactic war will be upon us, if not now, then soon. We must look to forming actual alliances rather than trying to please everyone while staying neutral for when the great war pollutes our sea we must not find ourselves surrounded by hostiles even at the risk of loosing our lucrative trade alliances." - An expert from the conclusion of the Galactic Political Necessities Report.
Ep12: A Shift in Focus
"Finally we have had the breakthrough I have been waiting for, but it is not an advancement in our understanding of the physical world but a breakthrough in the attitudes of the powers that be. So decades I have labored to change peoples minds on the subject of organic technology. For so long a ideological goal it has become a heresy to suggest anything different. Still the math dose not lie. Organics by their very nature are limited in their scope and power due to the complex balance that is life itself ontop of the what the design is pushing for. Inorganic technology has none of these weaknesses. Finlay someone has noticed my fight against institutional stubbornness. The word has come down and the funding approved. Science has been given new life, and once again the young elite will swim from the universities to pounce on the new fields that will open, I am sure in short order." Simrant-Zull (Interdenominational Physics Pool) - Blog post at the Cherry Ripe Institute of Pure Research
Ep13: Re-fit
"After years of study, we are finally ready to put our new crystalline technology into mass production. The prototype Orca Class ship was a huge success and now with the modified power source it should perform even better. It urks me to think of the huge waste of resources spent on the development of Organics. As a yong squid I could never understand why my professors were obsessed with this idea of living technology. I'm glad that in my time the taboo on constructed technology has been cast aside." Simrant-Zull (Interdenominational Physics Pool) - Blog post at the Cherry Ripe Institute of Pure Research
Ep14: Sqeedokai: The most hated race in the Galaxy
"The expansionist military industrial elite have been focusing us ever onward to our own destruction! Even the Barsig, an Ally for over 200 years is at the forefront of the galactic backlash that you knew was coming, that we knew was coming. That I knew was coming! Our pointless war with the Tantik has gone for generations with billions upon billions of Tantik dead and our own suffering is only measured in the conscience of the few. Now our standing in the Galaxy, our monstrous greed has brung us to war with 60% of the know worlds! The time is now, stand up, stand up and demand peace, demand the dissolution of the Imperial Order and once again bring Brine and her people back to the comfort of pace and friendship." Piznak-Rul - Leader of the People's Voice; an excerpt from his speech above Brine at the largest swim in recorded history. Only 5 minutes before his death during the rioting caused by the Military sending in troops to break up the gathering.