Auto combat ignoring threats

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Auto combat ignoring threats

Post by Cumberlow »

During a combat when my ships started a ways off I hit auto let my ships head off for the enemy while I set back. They made a B line for the largest enemy ship or base which is fine. But along the route they were continuously attacked by small scouts which they ignored when they could have shot back at them. Rather than let them get pecked to death I had to stop auto and deal with the pests manually. Seems to be an issue with threat priority or tunnel vision.

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Re: Auto combat ignoring threats

Post by Zaimat »

Would you happen to have the saved game? Or if it was in the past 10 turns it would be in the autosaves.

If you send a report from the launcher, I would certainly like to take a look at it.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

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Re: Auto combat ignoring threats

Post by Fairin »

i belive its related to "orbit planet" order. they'll move and not repond to anything till they get there.

ex. have your planet invaded. send your fleet waiting out of sector they'll arrive on the outskirts of your solar system. order them to orbit your planet being invaded.

watch the magic happen as your ships bee-line to the planet you ordered. even if you start giving them orders in the middle of combat via autocombat =)

also if you launch fighters and click auto. the fighters sit back and watch their mothership fly away =)

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Re: Auto combat ignoring threats

Post by CellNav »

Fairin wrote:i belive its related to "orbit planet" order. they'll move and not repond to anything till they get there.

ex. have your planet invaded. send your fleet waiting out of sector they'll arrive on the outskirts of your solar system. order them to orbit your planet being invaded.

watch the magic happen as your ships bee-line to the planet you ordered. even if you start giving them orders in the middle of combat via autocombat =)

also if you launch fighters and click auto. the fighters sit back and watch their mothership fly away =)
Yes Fairin, you explained it exactly as I see it too.

Perhaps we need a Fleet Management screen which would allow the player to fine tune the "role" of a ship within that fleet. It's understood that if we order the fleet to bombard/orbit then the fleet should carry out that order, however it's important that we also organize our fleet with mixed "sub-orders" or roles when the ship's encounter a situation that requires the ship to act ... basically it can be a secondary order.

We can see a ships "role" when we scan the ship in the sector view ... Currently we cannot change that role and I'm not even sure if the ships are programmed (yet) to behave in a manner to carry out that role, i.e. ESCORT ships should engage a threat automatically to resolve the issue that Cumberlow reported.
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