Transports - cargo space

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Transports - cargo space

Post by NacNud »

Was playing last night for a little bit and built a transport hopping to take some population to a new colony. But couldn't find any way to load anything on to the transports with cargo space.

Am I missing something? Or is cargo slace used for something g else or is it just not implemented yet?

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Re: Transports - cargo space

Post by Spazticus »

Cargo space on ships (not just transports) increases their effective range for long distance travel; it's the "supply" value (measured in number of turns) for a given fleet. In short, they can (eventually) get to a destination beyond that range, but it will be much slower. Note that the supply between all the ships in a single fleet gets shared, so a dedicated freighter or two can turn long jumps into shorter ones. By adding in ships with multiple cargo bays, you can also extend the range of your scout ships, for example; I started to team freighters with my scouts, so they could make several stops on their scouting/surveying runs.

Posts: 22
Location: Cincinnati Ohio USA

Re: Transports - cargo space

Post by NacNud »

So is there any way to move population from one planet to another?

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Re: Transports - cargo space

Post by Grogger »

NacNud wrote:So is there any way to move population from one planet to another?
Population in Horizon is fairly complex.
Population grows independently of other planets, and they also migrate toward better conditions.

You can influence migration to a planet by improving conditions for the population. For example, a planet with an abundance of food, clean pollution levels, and an ideal atmospheric condition (improved through terraforming) will be far more attractive to the people than a desert planet with high pollution levels.

On that note, civilians can only exist on planets with a colony. Listening posts can only maintain military units.

As with other things in the colony management, the philosophy used was to set the conditions and the people will act according to those conditions, rather than controlling the people directly. Another example of this are the buildings: Build a farm colony, and your people will tend toward farming instead of industry or research.

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Re: Transports - cargo space

Post by jorgen_cab »

I don't know exactly what lies behind the mechanic but in my opinion population grow too fast most of the time. Even if population can migrate from one planet to another there should be factors that put a break on migrating population, such as the infrastructure levels of the planet they migrate to.

It might also be a good thing to tie max population into the infrastructure you built on the planet. So max population could start of lower and increase as you develop the world. Pollution could perhaps also affect total population of a world (if it doesn't already).

My experience so far is that my economy seem to sky-rocket after a while... exponentially. I don't really get that feeling that I colonize my surrounding with small colonies that grow slowly. Some worlds will grow to dwarf my capital world in a matter of a few decades and that just seems wrong.

Posts: 231

Re: Transports - cargo space

Post by Lithari »

I wonder, instead of terraforming technology just giving you improved stats of stuff revolving around the environment, make it a special building or something, like an upgrade for farming or something, it can slowly (overtime) improve the environment of the planet turning it into almost as good as a real terran world.