Known Graphic Bug, or Intended Wink?
Known Graphic Bug, or Intended Wink?
There's a little video event (a movie) when you dig in ancient ruins on a planet. It starts in with a view of a human eye and backs up the view. The first time the eye blinks, it's a blink, but the second time, only that eye closes and opens while you can see the other eye? Is the person winking on purpose, or has this just not been addressed yet?
Emperor PayPatine out!
Re: Known Graphic Bug, or Intended Wink?
Well is WAS part of a master government spy plot to trigger an unrising of galactic proportions in an effort to stabalize the whole known universe under one ruler...but since you caught it before all the plans could be laid we have cancelled it and sent the involved parties pie instead...
Edge loops make me silly