Colony screen information

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Posts: 61

Colony screen information

Post by Cumberlow »

On the colony screen information panel at the top of the screen it would be really helpful for there to be mouse over tips for the various resources, now that specialisation is more important. e.g. for natives it could say "would make an excellent agriculture colony" or for gold it could say "output would benefit from industrial buildings". Also tips for planet size, mineral abundance, planet type etc. A lot of this could be lifted from the survey information. I think this would really help new players make decisions about the type of colony to build and help the understand specialisation.

Posts: 16

Re: Colony screen information

Post by SugeBearX »

Cumberlow wrote:On the colony screen information panel at the top of the screen it would be really helpful for there to be mouse over tips for the various resources, now that specialisation is more important. e.g. for natives it could say "would make an excellent agriculture colony" or for gold it could say "output would benefit from industrial buildings". Also tips for planet size, mineral abundance, planet type etc. A lot of this could be lifted from the survey information. I think this would really help new players make decisions about the type of colony to build and help the understand specialisation.
100% Agree with this.

Posts: 231

Re: Colony screen information

Post by Lithari »

I have noticed that it would be cool to be able to choose what type of colony to make when you colonize a planet, cause I could have full on research buildings and nothing else and it still says 'farming colony' or whatever the word it uses is.

It would be cool to be able to found a mining colony on rich or special deposit located planets and the bonuses from that deposit is increase more higher due to the specialization of the colony, this way you could limit the level of buildings that are buildable instead of limited number of buildings fullstop, I find it silly to have a huge world with a population of like 15b or so and I can only build 9 buildings?? Makes no sense to me.

Anyway, I just think it should be like this:

1: Planets that have special features that improve certain aspects of our colonies, can benefit from specialized colonies, like mining colonies, research colonies and so on that get bonuses for colonizing worlds with their respective resources.

2: Normal colonies, where you don't specialize it have a building limit based on the planet's size. (ie. Tiny/Small = 9 - Medium = 12 - Large/huge = 15)

I am likely not balancing it right, but its a basic suggestion that I think will work well, especially the colony type choice when you colonize a planet.

Posts: 6

Re: Colony screen information

Post by Soilwork595 »

I'm in the same boat. I'm pretty lost in the colony screen now. I tried to find the answers but didnt see in the tutorial or manual. I don't understand how resources work, as in farming/indu/sci, as well as the planetary resource bonus/non bonuses

From what I understand, the AI will auto control based on the buildings you build. Now I see percentages of farming/indu/sci, I take it that is the percentage of those types of workers you have, or pretty much how much of they are producing. Some clarification on how to change those numbers or what is best to build would be nice.

In the tutorial it said industry is bad on a planet with poor resources. So does that mean my industry is going to suck and I shouldn't build a lot of industry there?

There just doesn't seem to be much info on how to run your colonies.

Posts: 231

Re: Colony screen information

Post by Lithari »

The percentages are the percentages of your population and once fully built, have you noticed that the farmers, workers and scientists percentages never go above a total of 100%.

When a planet as poor minerals, the industry will be diminished compared to Abundant and higher mineral worlds, but I tend to stick to abundant or above worlds and the poor mineral worlds, I buy the constructions and avoid industry entirely and sometimes even the food facilities.

I am thinking it would be better if you can define the type of colony you create, so if there are gems or gold or something, you can create a mining colony.

Posts: 6

Re: Colony screen information

Post by Soilwork595 »

Lithari wrote:The percentages are the percentages of your population and once fully built, have you noticed that the farmers, workers and scientists percentages never go above a total of 100%.

When a planet as poor minerals, the industry will be diminished compared to Abundant and higher mineral worlds, but I tend to stick to abundant or above worlds and the poor mineral worlds, I buy the constructions and avoid industry entirely and sometimes even the food facilities.

I am thinking it would be better if you can define the type of colony you create, so if there are gems or gold or something, you can create a mining colony.

Thanks for some info, but I'm still lost on certain aspects. So if I have a poor colony, does that just mean production is slow on that colony, if so by how much?

Farming I kinda get, but don't know when I should build more. Times when I have enough food and get gold for the rest and others where I'm short on food and losing money. I know I built farms when i was short food and new facility still showed losing food. Is there a penalty when I'm short food?

Posts: 231

Re: Colony screen information

Post by Lithari »

Soilwork595 wrote:
Lithari wrote:The percentages are the percentages of your population and once fully built, have you noticed that the farmers, workers and scientists percentages never go above a total of 100%.

When a planet as poor minerals, the industry will be diminished compared to Abundant and higher mineral worlds, but I tend to stick to abundant or above worlds and the poor mineral worlds, I buy the constructions and avoid industry entirely and sometimes even the food facilities.

I am thinking it would be better if you can define the type of colony you create, so if there are gems or gold or something, you can create a mining colony.

Thanks for some info, but I'm still lost on certain aspects. So if I have a poor colony, does that just mean production is slow on that colony, if so by how much?

Farming I kinda get, but don't know when I should build more. Times when I have enough food and get gold for the rest and others where I'm short on food and losing money. I know I built farms when i was short food and new facility still showed losing food. Is there a penalty when I'm short food?
Well, I don't fully understand it myself, its a lack of ingame info I guess, which I am sure, they will sort out eventually, but from what I have figured out so far is that the penalty for lack of food in a colony is dependent on your food in other colonies, if you have worlds that have plenty of surplus, that gets traded to those that lack it, hence why some worlds have a red negative profits on the food tab.

This is why I don't bother building food facilities on small or tiny worlds, I just have research, trade and tourism buildings on them or industry instead of tourism, it all depends on the features of the world.

I normally never bothered with small worlds (less then 1b max population) because it was just a waste of credits to maintain, but ever since they changed how the research is handled, it made small population colonies good for research colonies.