I love this game. I love it I love it I love it.
The idea, amazing, the execution pretty awesome.
Some things I noticed though.
AI difficulty:
I've never felt threatened by the AI. I'm expanding too much? Well sorry I have nine systems while the poor ai has 3... tough luck. Oh hey but have some "resupply in my empire" to offset the relationship downturn ai, I'm sure that will make you and your poor matriarchy feel good for a few turns.
Way overpowered.
9x Light laser can easily be 50 damage and destroy a scout in one hit. Not that scouts are that great or anything but... they should be able to take one hit from a fighter squad. Consider a mother ship that I made called "tigers claw" (yes I know, campy references). 1x cargo, the rest fighter bays throw in a couple other weapons for fun. I don't have to worry about planetary missiles if I have two of these and potentially I'm doing up to 250 damage without getting my hands dirtied. When the enemy's weapons are disabled I send in the cruisers/battleship for the kill.
Also the AI doesn't use them. I look at the AI and I say "they're sooooo useful though!"
Also here's a interface problem. I don't know WHERE to recall to!
Example: The big battle is over. Now I want my fighters to go back to base. Which carriers did they launch from? There should be a withdraw all fighters button or something.
Assault ships:
Feels like they are useless. Yes I can take over that transport... but really why do I want to aside from cutting into it for some nice goodies... however when I finally disabled said transport I recieve.. nothing but the transport! I kinda wanted a crystaline cannon or those gravaton thrusters the ship was using. Kinda felt cheated.
Ships in general
They don't cost enough, especially the end game ships. I've built a robotics factory and I hardly get to use it (well aside from churning out interceptors (scouts) and assault frigates (transports), its really easier to just pay for those huge mother ships than wait 7 turns.
I've NEVER ran out of energy for doing something. This is a little bit troubling, I mean shouldn't the "big guns" take lots and lots of energy and I should worry about it? Maybe engines can be tweeked so they take up more energy. Or life support. Something?
Huge battles.
Maybe its just me but a battle with 80 vs 80 is a bit... crazy.. especially since I do use those fighters (5 escort carriers (cruiser) with 3x fighter bays) (4 regular carriers with 5x fighter bays) battleships, interceptors, bombers... yeah.
Race relations:
Maybe its just I'm playing mission mode but I tend to have the same race relationships most the time. The gargal are always friendly. The Kamzak always hate me with a passion. The poor guy with the eyeball keeps getting stuck on one planet. I tend to wipe him out just because I can ;_;. Is it different on classic? Also we tend to make friends with all the aggressive races and enemies with all the passive ones.
Gold mining
I keep coming across planets that have gold on them. It says to mine them. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MINE! (I could dig it but... thats for archeology only).
Again this game is AWESOME and is a 10/10 so far. Its really fun to play the missions and to try and max my trade (I haven't really figured out how I'm doing so well, I'd like to see the mechanics behind trade (does it include the factory production?) and the mechanics behind tourism. Keep on keeping on!
Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
Re: Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
Agreed, just played a few rounds with the beta myself, and there are a few quirks that need help badly.
1) Planet list, I need to know how many slots each planets have left, this is singularly more important than anything else on that list. Otherwise I have to click on each planet to find out if I missed some construction.
2) Battle, is it too zoomed in, or is it me? The big ships take up way too much real estate, also weapons are really short ranged, they barely can cross a few ships, long range fire would make combat MUCH more interresting, and enable the battle to start sooner. For now, I have to click end turn way to much. Yes, I know missiles are longer ranged, but there are sooo many different other weapons that just have the same range.
3) Price of ships, as OP said, they are just too cheap.
4) Swimming in money, goes with first, why wait 7 turns when I can buy anthing I want with credits and never think about it again.
5) Planets and money, and this is the last thing, some planets will use 200-300 turns to build their item, or I just pay a nickle and its done in 1 turn. This doesn't seem like a good mechanic. Price should maybe be on how many turns is left, not how much the facility cost in general?
6) Combat zoom, please, I think its vital, as it is now, you get VERY confused of where your ships are.
Keep up the good work!
1) Planet list, I need to know how many slots each planets have left, this is singularly more important than anything else on that list. Otherwise I have to click on each planet to find out if I missed some construction.
2) Battle, is it too zoomed in, or is it me? The big ships take up way too much real estate, also weapons are really short ranged, they barely can cross a few ships, long range fire would make combat MUCH more interresting, and enable the battle to start sooner. For now, I have to click end turn way to much. Yes, I know missiles are longer ranged, but there are sooo many different other weapons that just have the same range.
3) Price of ships, as OP said, they are just too cheap.
4) Swimming in money, goes with first, why wait 7 turns when I can buy anthing I want with credits and never think about it again.
5) Planets and money, and this is the last thing, some planets will use 200-300 turns to build their item, or I just pay a nickle and its done in 1 turn. This doesn't seem like a good mechanic. Price should maybe be on how many turns is left, not how much the facility cost in general?
6) Combat zoom, please, I think its vital, as it is now, you get VERY confused of where your ships are.
Keep up the good work!
Re: Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
This game is incredible.
I saw some turned based space strategy games under Windows,
but all of them were incomplete and imperfect. I played space
strategies that they hadn't tactical combat, or I couldn't build any
building on planets or I couldn't design ships. Someone always missed.
But this game has everything that I need to play a good
turned based space strategy. One of my favourite games was the
Master of Orion 2. Later, I tried similar games, but they not good as the
I like Horizon, and I am sure, that the whole game will be marvellous.
Maybe some new elements, that I think about:
- Random opponents
- All races enabled, Player can select all of the races
- Spying, tech-stealing
- New techs, new discovers, weapons
- AI difficulty selector, like easy, medium, hard.
- Economy Screen, taxes, and income/expense
I saw some turned based space strategy games under Windows,
but all of them were incomplete and imperfect. I played space
strategies that they hadn't tactical combat, or I couldn't build any
building on planets or I couldn't design ships. Someone always missed.
But this game has everything that I need to play a good
turned based space strategy. One of my favourite games was the
Master of Orion 2. Later, I tried similar games, but they not good as the
I like Horizon, and I am sure, that the whole game will be marvellous.
Maybe some new elements, that I think about:
- Random opponents
- All races enabled, Player can select all of the races
- Spying, tech-stealing
- New techs, new discovers, weapons
- AI difficulty selector, like easy, medium, hard.
- Economy Screen, taxes, and income/expense
Re: Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
Love the game, and suggestions above. Of course, I have my own...
1. Please, a page showing the planets that have been explored, and sortable on type, size, etc (a la MOO 2), the option to send a colony ship on that page would also be nice.
2. More info on the production (industry and research) factors on a planet.
3. Tech trading option.
4. customizable victory conditions (say 50+% of galactic industry).
5. More POP in the research and planet anomalies. The small % increases are not that exciting.
6. Perhaps a battle summary report?
7. Escape command for ships during a battle. Perhaps the idea is that there is no automatic escape, but if I put the battle in "auto" mode I would like my scouts/colonists to have a command to run/hide from the enemy.
8. Perhaps I haven't played the game long enough, but I don't see what all that cargo space is for in the ship designs. Unless it is to avoid the constant resupplying that scouts/ships need. But then, I would like to know how much cargo is necessary to supply a ship for say 10 turns.
Hmmm, that's it for now. I love the graphics and the clear layout and the fast response. J
1. Please, a page showing the planets that have been explored, and sortable on type, size, etc (a la MOO 2), the option to send a colony ship on that page would also be nice.
2. More info on the production (industry and research) factors on a planet.
3. Tech trading option.
4. customizable victory conditions (say 50+% of galactic industry).
5. More POP in the research and planet anomalies. The small % increases are not that exciting.
6. Perhaps a battle summary report?
7. Escape command for ships during a battle. Perhaps the idea is that there is no automatic escape, but if I put the battle in "auto" mode I would like my scouts/colonists to have a command to run/hide from the enemy.
8. Perhaps I haven't played the game long enough, but I don't see what all that cargo space is for in the ship designs. Unless it is to avoid the constant resupplying that scouts/ships need. But then, I would like to know how much cargo is necessary to supply a ship for say 10 turns.
Hmmm, that's it for now. I love the graphics and the clear layout and the fast response. J
Re: Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
Hi only played for a couple hours but couple of simple tweaks i believe are required (maybe i am being too MOO2 bias):
1. When building/upgrade on planets - cannot see option to cancel to save money (useful for earlier on in the game)
2. Spying/Sabotage
3. Relations comms such as marriage option . Marriage was always used to build relations in the good ole days
4. Option to let Ship battles take place without being in tactical area (like MOO2).
5. Leaders options - perhaps a leader option per system. Leaders to have % to improve certain things
New feature idea:
6. On-line Leader board option - send scores to online scoreboard area. Perhaps create clan score boards. I know its not multilayer but being in a clan to add scores builds the community etc..
7. eCommerce trade shop. EG: i can place tech/ships or other commerce goods - on a eCommerce shop for other AI players to buy, re-badged to Amazon Galactica
All in all loving it and its simple yet rewarding.
1. When building/upgrade on planets - cannot see option to cancel to save money (useful for earlier on in the game)
2. Spying/Sabotage
3. Relations comms such as marriage option . Marriage was always used to build relations in the good ole days
4. Option to let Ship battles take place without being in tactical area (like MOO2).
5. Leaders options - perhaps a leader option per system. Leaders to have % to improve certain things
New feature idea:
6. On-line Leader board option - send scores to online scoreboard area. Perhaps create clan score boards. I know its not multilayer but being in a clan to add scores builds the community etc..
7. eCommerce trade shop. EG: i can place tech/ships or other commerce goods - on a eCommerce shop for other AI players to buy, re-badged to Amazon Galactica

All in all loving it and its simple yet rewarding.
Re: Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
Hi there.
I played Horizon for some hours now and I must say it's pretty cool.
Some things are a little annoying, but mostly it's fun.
The most irritating things for me are:
1. Sometimes my fleet crosses sectors I don't want to enter because of hostile fleets which are too heavy for my ships. I'd really like some highlighting of sectors or something like that when planning the route to a sector.
2. I really miss a retreat-Button. It's ugly to manually trying to escape some ships. As soon as you go to auto mode, your fleet commits suicide by attaking a much heavier opponent, so you have to retreat manually.
3. Manual retreat means leaving the sector or something like that? I had one case of an AI persuing me across multiple sector borders. Is there no retreat into hyperspace or something like that?
4. Please add a zooming funtion to the tactical screen. At the moment, you have to scroll permanently just to keep an eye to all your ships and to select a target for them.
Still, so far I find the game very nice. An applause to the devs also for stability. That's not a given in many games nowadays.
I have some questions regarding the gameplay. Maybe I'm too blind to see how it works or it's just not implemented....
1. Is there a way to re-design existing ships? Means, upgrade one ship type to another like in MoO2? In the early game, you design your ships around basic techs (laser etc.). Later on, you get more interesting weapons, armour, drive technologies etc. Can I refit the ships or do I have to scrap them or use them as cannon fodder and build newer ones?
2. Can you influence the design/weaponry of your star bases? Or are they stuck on laser cannons?
Finally, here's my "wishlist" for future features (in no special order). Some were already mentioned here, but I'd like to post them anyway.
- Race customization (already in progress I believe)
- Espionage / Tech stealing
- A battle summary screen
- A more detailed planet overview
- economic overview and taxation settings
- More planet specialization (training centres for marines & ship companies, special markets/economic hotspots, etc.)
- terraforming
- Are there any other planetary defense types besides missile thrower in game? (didn't meet any)
- more weapon specials in ship designer (free choose of firing arcs, point defense clusters, autofire etc.)
- are there any shield techs in game?
That's all - for the moment
I played Horizon for some hours now and I must say it's pretty cool.
Some things are a little annoying, but mostly it's fun.
The most irritating things for me are:
1. Sometimes my fleet crosses sectors I don't want to enter because of hostile fleets which are too heavy for my ships. I'd really like some highlighting of sectors or something like that when planning the route to a sector.
2. I really miss a retreat-Button. It's ugly to manually trying to escape some ships. As soon as you go to auto mode, your fleet commits suicide by attaking a much heavier opponent, so you have to retreat manually.
3. Manual retreat means leaving the sector or something like that? I had one case of an AI persuing me across multiple sector borders. Is there no retreat into hyperspace or something like that?
4. Please add a zooming funtion to the tactical screen. At the moment, you have to scroll permanently just to keep an eye to all your ships and to select a target for them.
Still, so far I find the game very nice. An applause to the devs also for stability. That's not a given in many games nowadays.
I have some questions regarding the gameplay. Maybe I'm too blind to see how it works or it's just not implemented....
1. Is there a way to re-design existing ships? Means, upgrade one ship type to another like in MoO2? In the early game, you design your ships around basic techs (laser etc.). Later on, you get more interesting weapons, armour, drive technologies etc. Can I refit the ships or do I have to scrap them or use them as cannon fodder and build newer ones?
2. Can you influence the design/weaponry of your star bases? Or are they stuck on laser cannons?
Finally, here's my "wishlist" for future features (in no special order). Some were already mentioned here, but I'd like to post them anyway.
- Race customization (already in progress I believe)
- Espionage / Tech stealing
- A battle summary screen
- A more detailed planet overview
- economic overview and taxation settings
- More planet specialization (training centres for marines & ship companies, special markets/economic hotspots, etc.)
- terraforming
- Are there any other planetary defense types besides missile thrower in game? (didn't meet any)
- more weapon specials in ship designer (free choose of firing arcs, point defense clusters, autofire etc.)
- are there any shield techs in game?
That's all - for the moment

When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
Re: Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
Hi Zenduce,Zenduce wrote:1. When building/upgrade on planets - cannot see option to cancel to save money (useful for earlier on in the game)
You should see an "X" to the right of the facility name, clicking the X while building will cancel the upgrade (subsequent refund), clicking the X on a built facility will destroy that level and revert to the lower level facility.
Don't let me wake up and catch you sleeping !!!
Re: Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
Hi Yarodin,Yarodin wrote:1. Sometimes my fleet crosses sectors I don't want to enter because of hostile fleets which are too heavy for my ships. I'd really like some highlighting of sectors or something like that when planning the route to a sector.
You probably have seen that your fleet isn't in the center of the sector before you set a new destination. It appears that your fleet will move to another sector to maintain that relative position and then stop in the new sector at the edge. You can micromanage this by moving you fleet to the center of the sector before giving it a new destination but keep in mind that it will most likely cross those other sectors anyway (which we all hate). I usually over compensate and set a destination that ensures it won't hit another sector but it still takes a bit of micromanagement to do it.
On the Galactic map, double click the sector to zoom in and look at your fleet's position in the sector, then make a judgment call when moving to another sector. I don't know how they can minimize the clipping of sectors when the fleet is en route, this is just a natural thing.
Don't let me wake up and catch you sleeping !!!
Re: Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
Ok, I'll try to remember this. Or course can I set a route which will avoid coming anywhere near a unwanted sector, but this will extend travelling times. Apropos travelling times: is there a way to avoid that a fleet where ships with different travelling speeds will scatter over multiple sectors?
Regarding this, I'd propose some kind of fleet management: to set a formation for a fleet. This allows the player to determine where to put the heavies, the carriers and the troop transports when engaging the enemy.
If the formation is maintained during FTL travel, they wouldn't scatter during flight and would arrive at the same time. Of course, the slowest ship would determine the travel speed for the whole fleet.
Thank you
Regarding this, I'd propose some kind of fleet management: to set a formation for a fleet. This allows the player to determine where to put the heavies, the carriers and the troop transports when engaging the enemy.
If the formation is maintained during FTL travel, they wouldn't scatter during flight and would arrive at the same time. Of course, the slowest ship would determine the travel speed for the whole fleet.
Thank you
When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
Re: Amazing game, needs some tweeking though.
There isn't a way to avoid this, the fleet will stretch out longitudinally with small ships out front and the mother ships in trail. I use a work around by keeping like ship types in one formation based on size. The size of my fleets are about 5 ships... So, I have 5 Mother ships, 5 cruisers, 5 medium. This keeps fleet cohesion and the fleets keep their relative positions however the small ship fleets will eventually pull out ahead of the bigger ship fleets.Yarodin wrote:Apropos travelling times: is there a way to avoid that a fleet where ships with different travelling speeds will scatter over multiple sectors?
I think fleet formation is on their to-do list. I'm going to post a suggestion on an alternate way of moving a fleet using jump logic that is already present in the game.Yarodin wrote:Regarding this, I'd propose some kind of fleet management: to set a formation for a fleet. This allows the player to determine where to put the heavies, the carriers and the troop transports when engaging the enemy.
If the formation is maintained during FTL travel, they wouldn't scatter during flight and would arrive at the same time. Of course, the slowest ship would determine the travel speed for the whole fleet.
Don't let me wake up and catch you sleeping !!!