Planet Bonuses?

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Planet Bonuses?

Post by Soilwork595 »

I apologize if this question has already been answered, but I can not find it in the forums or manual.

I am confused on what the bonuses mean on a planet and how to access info on what their effect is having on the planet. Right now I have an Ancient Ruin on one planet, and Natives on the other. On the planetary description screen they give a general overview on the bonus. For example, the Native bonus says I will get a boost in food production, and the Ancient Ruin bonus just says there was a race that used to live here a long time ago. I can't find any further info on what their effect is having on my planet. It doesn't show me what food bonuses I'm getting, if any, on my planet, or what the Ancient Ruins even do, or how to access them.

I've stated in the past that the colony management screen needs more explaining and tooltip info. I know its still Beta and it's a work in progress but so far this is my one big gripe so far.

Posts: 3

Re: Planet Bonuses?

Post by Theodotus »

I think you can dig on the planet with ancient ruins (if you have a ship in the system) and thereby possibly gain a new technology.

There is some sort of planet bonus that will provide advanced buildings on a planet if you found a colony there, but I don't know if ancient ruins is that bonus.

I don't know what exact advantage Natives provide.

Posts: 1

Re: Planet Bonuses?

Post by rezzard »

I don't know all the bonuses but on your colony screen if you mouseover the description of the bonus it has a popup which describes what the bonus actually is. I haven't been able to dig up an ancient ruin. I've assigned ships to do it but have never gotten anything out of it.
The only time I have gotten something from digging is when the survey said there was an interesting building on the planet.

I looked through the manual as well to find out what all the bonuses you can find on planets and what to do for them as well.

Mods a little help?

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Re: Planet Bonuses?

Post by True_poser »

I might be wrong, but I think that ancient ruins give you free (or repairable) buildings on a planet, when it's colonized.