Capturing Tech???

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Posts: 2

Capturing Tech???

Post by WinzLer »

Is there a way to Capture a Tech from a Race? I have CAPED a Ship but found out I didn't receive the New tech I was Hoping to get by Caping it. AM I missing something? or is this not a part of the game yet? Cuz it totally needs to be if it is not! just sayin :D

Posts: 231

Re: Capturing Tech???

Post by Lithari »

I don't think its apart of the game yet or at all, no idea which one it is though.

Posts: 98

Re: Capturing Tech???

Post by Madbiologist »

Scrapping ships do give you a chance of learning a new tech that was inside it. However, this is just a chance, sometimes reverse engineers don't get it right.

I do not know what the odds are and what can modify them, but I know the system is under consideration.

Posts: 98

Re: Capturing Tech???

Post by Madbiologist »

Scrapping ships do give you a chance of learning a new tech that was inside it. However, this is just a chance, sometimes reverse engineers don't get it right.

I do not know what the odds are and what can modify them, but I know the system is under consideration for possible improvements.

Dev. Team
Dev. Team
Posts: 79

Re: Capturing Tech???

Post by Grogger »

As Madbiologist points out, to discover a tech from an opponent ship you must first capture it, and only when it is scrapped will you have a chance to discover new technologies.

Of course, you only have a chance to discover techs you don't yet have.

There's currently a 60% chance, per scrapped ship, to discover a new tech; given that there is a tech onboard that can be discovered.