Fantastic. Really curious to see this come to life. Look forward to play the Kuntari again....
I would like also to mention what i do like in Horizon as it is also very important imho
- Automatic upgrade of ships when they are in orbit of space stations / shipyards
- Quests make explore a lot more fun
- Movies at every level (landing, races description, encounter of races, ending movies, animations for the different levels of buildings (even though they are too small to really enjoy them), planets).
- Diplomacy options that change depending on the relation with the aliens.
- I really like the music and the mood. I just wished the music used for the loading and main menu would come in the game as well.
- Different races with different tech preferences.
- Normal and classic scenarios. I really like to have both options, one more story-oriented and more realistic and one for the classic 4x gameplay.
- Shipdesign options. I really like the flexibility and transparent system. I don't want to create ships from scratch like in GalCiv2-3....too much work for me.
- The various ship orders. I really like it because i really feel i can control what i want the ships to do.
- Planet specialities (old civilization, mining ressources etc). Makes them all unique. I actually would love to see them even more unique: for example a research world should be very important and the loss of that planet would mean a huge minus for the empire.
Some more ideas:
- in Horizon it is only possible to build barracks but on the other hand, there are many different type of army units. I think it would be great to have at least 3 different type of buildings: one for infantery, one for artillery and tanks and one for air units.
- In the settings i would like to have the option to have random races in the game (surprise effect).
- Different type of galaxies (form).
- More information on income and expenses, especially when it comes to trade. What do i get from trade and with who. Also on the colony page (trade, tourism, food trarde etc.).
- Option to ask colony ships to colonize a planet (nearest inactive colony ship) if we are on the planet screen.
- More information on why a race likes us or dislikes us.
- Reducing building time for buildings but increasing the cost for buying it. New colonies should grow slower...the temptation is sometimes to great to just buy improvements. A starbase is a different thing as you could come from the homeword with the material.
- The option to create techs that allow to colonize planets not suited for it's own race (smaller colonies but great for mining, research, outposts, military).