Planet Special Reports

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Planet Special Reports

Post by crimsonsun »

When planets have special reports sometimes I get a message come up with a detailed report, sometimes the report box on the planet screen will be blank and seem to do nothing which I do not understand & other times it makes mention of pirates or Mercenaries living there but I have no way of interacting with them or what in game effect the provide?

Also the archaeology reports need more detail in both what they do, and what I need to do to access them. Obviously i dig - I gathered that straight away, but sometimes I can do more than one dig and get more results other times not and I have just read that if I build on planets that have ruins or technology then I can get further effects which I was completely clueless about previously.

Many thanks Crimsonsun

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Re: Planet Special Reports

Post by Fairin »

it'll say if you make a colony here you can gain a benefit from it (gem deposits / monuments)

if its in the lower box or on the right. orbit a ship around and dig



" A person can look for their one true love and find them, but could they look like the one true love for the person they find. " - Fairin

Posts: 15

Re: Planet Special Reports

Post by crimsonsun »

Fairin wrote:it'll say if you make a colony here you can gain a benefit from it (gem deposits / monuments)

if its in the lower box or on the right. orbit a ship around and dig



Noticed the Monuments and gems, but elsewhere I read that ancient ruins, or remains of civilisations also have bonus buildings installed when colonised yet I have not seen any thing in game to suggest this.

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Re: Planet Special Reports

Post by Fairin »

yes dig them up for some fun research =)

" A person can look for their one true love and find them, but could they look like the one true love for the person they find. " - Fairin