So I got mad, and parked half a dozen amped up motherships over an enemy homeworld because they wouldn't stop declaring war on me. The intimidation seemed to work, because they begged for mercy, and I accepted. OK, so far so good...
My fleet WILL NOT MOVE! Every turn they begin firing on the alien world before they actually leave orbit, and I can't find a way to make them stop shooting. This is leading to wholesale slaughter on the alien world, and while I find their lip arrogant, I don't feel the need to exterminate them from the stars for it.
What do I do?
How do I calm the fury of my angry fleet, other than scrapping six motherships?
Help! Please, help, Devs! My fleet got angry!
Re: Help! Please, help, Devs! My fleet got angry!
Issue confirmed. I also tried setting up a non-aggression pact right away...but it didn't work.
My ships are bloodthirsty...

Emperor PayPatine out!
Re: Help! Please, help, Devs! My fleet got angry!
Yes I can confirm this is currently an issue we need to fix.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf
Re: Help! Please, help, Devs! My fleet got angry!
<3Zaimat wrote:Yes I can confirm this is currently an issue we need to fix.
Emperor PayPatine out!