Peace Treaty not updating

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Peace Treaty not updating

Post by Lerinor »

Hey guys! Congrats on the alpha release. Been following this forum for the past 4 or 5 years, and bought the early access a few days ago. Aside from a few tweaking i'd suggest so far, something weird happened on my last game.

I went to war against the Gargals. Everything was going as expected, i got blown up a lot (still figuring the game, so...). Then I built a better fleet, bigger ships, more guns. Wiped their entire fleet, even the Shipyard at the homeworld. Didn't know (still don't) how to invade/bombard/destroy the planet, but I'll figure it out.

The issue is, after i destroyed their fleet, they offered a peace treaty. I accepted, since i still didn't figure how to conquer/destroy them. And the next turn, their planetary defenses still fire on my ships. I ordered them to move back to my system, in the galaxy map, but if i dont do it manually (throught the tactical comat screen), they insist on remaining close to the planet, doing nothing, and eventually dying from missile fire.

So 2 things are happening. The peace treaty isn't effectively starting, and there should be a "retreat" button somewhere, overriding any other orders, and making your ships leave the system.

I reloaded the game, but i have a save file in the turn before the battle. I just don't know if they will offer the treaty again. But if it does, I'll sign it, and keep the save file, if it's needed.

Again, loving the game. Keep up the awesome work!

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Re: Peace Treaty not updating

Post by Zaimat »

Thanks for the feedback and for supporting us early (and following us for so many years)! It means a lot, seeing you enjoy the game we have worked so hard to make.

The issue you noted their ships firing after the peace treaty, I think I know what is going on (their task forces aren't receiving the order to stop fighting) so will make this a priority to fix soon.

The other issue, when in combat the AI is ignoring regular orders (to move/retreat/etc). Also a known issue we need to find a solution to handle properly.

As a fyi: the game auto-saves each turn passed (and keeps the last 10 auto-saves/turns in the saves directory under your documents/horizon game folder). So as long as you use the 'Report an Issue' button within 10 turns we can go back before it happened and also see after results that you saved.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

Posts: 9
Location: Sao Paulo, Brasil

Re: Peace Treaty not updating

Post by Lerinor »

Hmm took me a while to find the "report and issue" button... Kinda skipped the initial menu, :lol:
I think I kept the save as back up, ill just reload and play a few turns to "update" the last 10 autosaves.

Well, about the issues, it seems that's the problem, orders are not updating.

About the "retreat" thing, I meant something else. The suggestion was to have a "mass retreat" order inside tactical combat, or something like that. This way, you dont need to manually move away all your ships from planetary defense range, for instance. Lets say you decide to stop bombarding. Using 2 or 3 ships, no big deal. But if you have 4 x 10 ships task forces, it would take several minutes to just remove them from planet-range. Having the ability to retreat inside the tactical view would be great, and save time.

Oh, and just remembered something weird i noticed. You can manually shoot missiles using lasers, but if you start the "auto-combat", missiles are ignored. This makes planetary defenses either deadly, or completely useless. Easy exploit, just sit 2 or 3 small laser ships near the planet, and hit the missiles as soon as they are fired from the planet (since they launch, and move only on the next turn). Possible solutions would be:
1- Giving the planetary defenses salvos and extra "free" turn, where it fires and move on the same turn.
2- Making it impossible to manually hit missiles, and creating a new module, for dedicated point-defense.

(Or even implementing both, i don't know... not my game, just a suggestion, hehehe)

Thanks for the reply, Zaimat. I'll keep an eye on future games for weird things happening. :wink: